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Optimizing Asset Performance

Integrated mine management and operations services driven by International Best Practises (IBP).

Mine performance is the most important metric for any investor or developer who is seeking to increase the value of their project through long-term growth and controlled risk management.

Our philosophy is to ensure a natural continuity on the quality and expertise deployed during exploration and integrate this into the project development and mine operations stages. Our project teams consist of highly experienced engineers and operations partners, which ensures that we are able to work according to International Best Practices (IBP).

While we are in the business of operating profitable projects, we are equally conscious of the carbon footprint created by the mining sector. We therefore place a lot of importance on deploying sustainability protocols during our project planning and execution stages in order to minimize the environmental and ecological impact of operations.

Our stage-wise approach

We can deploy scope-specific services at any stage of project development, operations and mine closure or provide an integrated turnkey project management solution. 

  • Stage 1: Strategic Mine Planning & Design

  • Stage 2: Engineering & Construction

  • Stage 3: Mine Management & Operations

  • Stage 4: Mine Closure & Land Reclamation



Full-Cycle, No Gaps

We can provide the following suite of services:

  • Turnkey Project Development & Management

  • Mine Management & Operations

  • Strategic Mine Planning, Design & 3D Modelling

  • Technical & Operational Planning

  • Project Resource Planning, Costing & Scheduling

  • Engineering, Construction & Mine Delivery

  • HSE & QAQC Process Design & Implementation

  • Mine Production & Operations Management

  • Design & Implementation of Grade Control Systems & Procedures

  • Plant Operation & Maintenance 

  • Technical Audits & Operations Optimization Studies

  • Waste Management & Recovery

  • Mine Decommissioning & Site Rehabilitation 


Global Experience

Qualified project specialists:

  • Project Managers

  • Project Geologists & Mine Engineers

  • Surveyors & Pit Technicians

  • Resource & Reserve Estimation & Evaluation Professionals

  • Qualified / Competent Persons (JORC & NI 43-101)

  • Financial Analysts & Commodity Specialists

  • Operations Managers & Site Supervisors

  • HSE & QAQC Specialists

  • Plant O&M Operators & Systems Integration Specialists

  • Operations Optimization Auditors

  • Logistics & Site Planning Specialists

  • Waste Management Experts

  • Environment & Site Rehabilitation Consultants

Supporting your requirements

Do you have immediate requirements or are you planning?

Our operations model and network provides us with a significant amount of flexibility to assemble and mobilize our experts to you.

In our strategic focused markets, we deploy our project teams and locally available resources which are supported by our international partners.


Our growing network of investors and project developers is becoming increasingly important for us due to the growth in global mineral resource activity and the need for capital and expertise.

Please visit our contacts page to get in touch with us.

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